"Don't Just Deal" book review

book review books change devotional

Diana Carter lives in Charlotte, NC and founded Because I'm His, an online community that encourages and helps women find their identity.
Change is something we don't do well with, but it is the one thing we can count on. Diana wrote "Don't Just Deal" after walking through some big changes and realizing she maybe didn't handle it as well as she could have.
The book is set up as a 30 day devotional with "Kick Around Questions" and a "Prayer Nudge" at the end of each day. There are so many good little nuggets I wrote down, I might have a hard time narrowing it down! Here goes:
Diana talks about having our identity rooted in Christ because it will remain the same, whereas misplaced identities change. She also says that "when we understand God's character, we are better positioned to trust His timing." I love that she emphasizes being rooted in Christ and knowing Him intimately because when we do, we don't worry about the details. We know He is faithful and hasn't forgotten us or His plan for us. She says, "The deeper and more intimately aware of who God said I was, the weaker and sillier the lies the enemy slung at me started to seem." We can take the power away from Satan by knowing our Creator deeply.
When we know who He is we enjoy the mundane of every day more! As Diana says, the mundane can be filled with small moments of God's big graces. I also love Christy Nockels's podcast called "Glorious in the Mundane", she talks about finding God in the small, every day moments. I think we all can do a better job at finding the beauty in the plain every day and realize those are #livingmybestlife moments too! 
She also reminds us that expectations can bring us down. I love the point she makes when she says, "Paul's unmet expectations did nothing but propel him forward into his purpose." Wow. So much convicting truth in that! There have been so many times when my expectations took my focus away from where it should be.
Don't Just Deal is a great reminder of where our identities and perspectives should be rooted. Pick up a copy for you and a friend at One Accord! 

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